Wild Horses American Wild Horse Preservation Learn more about the destruction of the American wild horse – mustangs. When wildlife stands in the way of big bucks corporations, extinction is threatened. Might, or in this case tons of money, does not make right! Our goal is to protect America’s wild horses and burros by stopping the federal government’s systematic elimination of these national icons from our public lands. It’s not too late to act to save the mustangs! Connect with American Wild Horse Preservation on Facebook Wild Hoofbeats Wild horse news and alerts illustrated by the impressive talents of Carol Walker. Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary Imagine a place where as far as the eye can see, miles and miles to the horizon, you can view America as it was 300 years ago. Imagine a place, long revered by the American Indians, where the Cheyenne River flows in all four directions and eagles’ shadows sweep rocky canyon walls, a place where wild horses run free across endless prairies, hooves striking thunder, manes and tails flying in the wind. Imagine a crowded, bone-bare feed lot packed with captured mustangs, some too weak to stand. Listless, dejected, some have lost the will to live. Spirits broken, unwanted, either too old, too ugly, or too independent to qualify for the adoption program. Now Imagine an Oregon rancher, naturalist, and the author, with the heart, the will and the sense of duty, the desire to save these animals, and you have Dayton O. Hyde. In 1988, Dayton Hyde raised, by the skin of his teeth, enough money for a down payment on a sanctuary near Hot Springs, South Dakota, and convinced the Bureau of Land Management to send him its unadoptable wild horses. Today, that dream is a reality. Come to the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, experience the dream, visit their grassland home of rocky canyons, wind swept prairies, and dark pine forests, a home they share with coyotes, cougar, white-tail and mule deer, elk wild turkeys, eagles and falcons. A home where hundreds of wild horses not only live but flourish, nurtured by the dream of a man of vision, and the freedom he gave them. You too can be a part of that dream. Your participation in the planned giving program can keep these wild horses running free. The Sanctuary has given the wild horses that make their home there over 10,000 years of horse freedom. Thank you! Connect with Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary on Facebook Return to Freedom American Wild Horse Sanctuary The Return to Freedom (RTF) American Wild Horse Sanctuary is dedicated to wild horse preservation by protecting the freedom, diversity, and habitat of America’s wild horses through sanctuary, education and conservation, while enriching the human spirit through direct experience with the natural world. RTF, founded in 1997 by Neda DeMayo, perates a 300 acre ranch in California owned by the DeMayo family and cares for nearly 400 horses. Connect with Return to Freedom American Wild Horse Sanctuary on Facebook