Wolves – Ongoing

Ongoing Wolf Defense Actions

Although it is hoped that people will continue to support groups established for education as well as conservation, there are smaller, feet-on-the-ground movements that desperately need our support as well. If you cannot donate funds, there are other ways to give support. Suggest contacting defense groups to learn more!


Eastern Washington Wolves

Message from the founder: These last 2 weeks have been very busy and its been an emotional roller coaster. The chopper in the air, the death of So-Yappo-Timke, the loss of trail cameras, the press and public. The Wolves and other wildlife in and around eastern Washington need your help. With pups in the wild without a mother, the Huckleberry pack needs monitored. This will take time, money and other resources to accomplish. We Need Your Help!! Please Donate today and help us Stand For The Huckleberry Pack!!

I thought it was a coyote is NO defense!

As of December 30, 2014, there is no DNA confirmation that the wolf killed was Echo. It certainly was a dispersing wolf and apparently the first seen in over 70 years in that area.

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UPDATE: February 12, 2015

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed yesterday that the wolf, whose astonishing trek made national headlines, was shot near Beaver, Utah, by a local hunter who allegedly mistook it for a coyote.

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Genetic tests conducted at the University of Idaho found that the DNA sample taken from the wolf killed on December 28 was identical to the DNA in scat samples taken from Echo, the name given to the Grand Canyon wolf following a worldwide naming contest among schoolchildren.

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There is no defense in saying you did not realize it was an endangered wolf in your sights. If you are not sure what you’re killing, you are a clear danger to those around you.  Learn more about Echo and her tragic death…

McKittrick Policy

Free rein to destroy without consequences! Take a stand to remove this wide open and deliberate loop-hole.


A little known and decades old Department of Justice policy is protecting the killers of endangered grizzly bears, whooping cranes, California condors and wolves.

The so-called “McKittrick Policy” was enacted after a Montana man gunned down a wolf and later claimed he had thought he was firing on a dog. He was prosecuted, though the Department of Justice (DOJ) later decided to accept his self-exoneration by claimed ignorance and has clung to that policy of inaction for years.

Endangered species need to be protected from hunters that can simply claim they did not know what they were shooting at.

Tell President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to drop the McKittrick Policy and treat the killing of endangered species like the crime that it is.

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