Life for Bears


Beware of warnings.

If it says graphic and disturbing, take that as a fact.

Always preview videos before allowing young children to view them.


Interactive and Enlightening Video

A 20 minute video from the National Film Board that allows you to view with your own eyes…and the bears’ eyes, simultaneously. Excellently produced. Vivid. Relevant. Affects all nations where some bears yet live, though set in Canada. Access via link below.







Spirit Bear (albino) Fishing for Salmon





Brown Bears fishing for Salmon

Is your state greedy for income from trappers and hunters? Did you know that 70% of the world’s bears are in danger of becoming extinct? Why not call or write your representative and senators about how much income can be enjoyed from tourism generated by wildlife?

Protect Wildlife and Earn State Income as well


You are spared hearing the screams of the bears by way of music soundtrack. This is why trapping should be banned throughout the world. It’s cruel, pure and simple. Anyone with the macho-man/woman mentality that enjoys suffering, is not a hunter and does not continue this practice because ‘it’s the only way to feed their family’…End of File!

Bear Trapping


Just a sample of the comments available regarding the above horror.


Comments on Trapping




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